Tuesday 5 February 2013

Visual Aid To Be Placed Within My 3D Lion Head Packaging Design

I have designed a visual aid in which was inspired by my previous Paw Print drawing in my experimental designs, designed to visually aid the audience/ Illustration Agency by telling them who i am (from the logo presented on the from side of the 'Paw Print'), and what my skills and interests are (presented typographically on the back side of the 'Paw Print' using hand drawn type combined with representative illustrations set behind the specific typographic words). This effectively fits inside the 3D Lion head from the hole upon the back of the head (where the head is created by a rolled up piece of A3 paper), and by being a 'Paw Print', it promotes how i wish to make an impression on the Illustration Industry. With this, Illustration Agencies such as Folio Illustration Agency can see my specialist skills and interests more clearly thanks to this visual aid, and they can understand how passionate i am about illustration and how i am ambitious in excelling in the industry.

How I Created The 3D Lion Head Sculpture/ Packaging Hair

Using a Metal Ruler and a Scalpel,i was able to cut up my Digital Illustration Poster Design into strips to create the effect of a hair for my 3D Lions Head. using the Digital Illustration Poster Design, it has hand drawn illustration that create an aesthetically pleasing effect once on the head, creating a illustrative figure that resembles a Lions Head with hair.

Monday 4 February 2013

Final Lion Head Packaging Design

Here is my Final Lion Head Lion Design For my 3D Packaging Project. As you can see, it demonstrates a wide range of my skills and interests to do with Illustration, in a highly visual and aesthetically way between each of the 'Folding Segments' of the net (i.e. Fine Detailed Drawing, Dry Point Etching, Graphics Tablet/ Digital Illustration, 'mark Making Illustration, and the use of Different Media/ Tools such as 'Pastels' etc), initially portraying a sense tat i have a keen eye for illustration and detail. As you can see i have chosen the mask option 'A' in my final design, primarily due to the fact that in my primary researched question between possible 'Mask Designs for my packaging design, the majority of the vote consisted of 'Mask A' as the more aesthetically pleasing option. The hair or the 3D sculpture was created by hand, using a scalpel to cut individual strips of paper segments from my previously established Graphics Tablet/ Digital Illustration Poster Design called 'King Of The Jungle', to create the effect of hair. I feel the hair conveys additional attention to detail by the fact that it is authentically cut into strips of my poster, plus my poster design consists of a lot of illustrative details. In addition, i feel that the colour scheme of 'Green' and 'Brown' effectively references my ambition to become 'King Of the Jungle' (i.e. become successful in the illustration industry. This packaging design i feel would attract the attention and interest of an Illustration Agency such as Folio Illustration Agency etc.

Laser Cutting Workshop Bottle Structure

After the laser cutting session, i was left with the pieces of the bottle net that would therefore allow me to combine together, forming this bottle shaped 3D structure in which i feel is highly effective and successful. With the laser cutter being a new device to produce such structures, i am intrigued and interested in using such devices in future projects, as its use is quick, easy and the final outcome is highly accurate to what you intend to create as a designer.

Here is the Jpg file of my Illustrator net in which by using the 'Pen Tool', i constructed a net that when come comes together, forms a 3D structure in which resembles a bottle in it's shape. From our Illustrator tutorial within a previous IT Session, i was able to independently construct and finish these nets in my own time. Once i had done this, i saved the illustrator file/ net as an EPS file, as this would allow me to later on cut these nets out using a laser cutter, as this was the appropriate file format needed for this laser cutting session.

Thursday 31 January 2013

Response To Primary Research Question

Facebook Group Response

Blogger Response

In relation to the feedback from Facebook and Blogger in regards to my primary research question, the vast majority of the respondents have stated that they prefer the looks and aesthetical design of 'Design A' to be used in my final design. Upon evaluation of the response, i agree as 'Design A' effectively shows the audience (and thus the Illustration Agency) that i have a interest in illustration and an eye for detail, by which i believe is my illustration style. 

Therefore i will proceed to use 'Design A' in the development of my final 'Lion Head' packaging design.

Thank you to those who have responded to my question.

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Primary Research Questions: Decide Which Design You Prefer

For my final packaging design i have generated three possible designs of the mask that will make up the Lion Head sculpture. I have used the lion as a symbol of me as an illustrator. I personally cannot decide which would be best to utilise for my final design, however, which mask sculpture do you like best?

A. Where the mask uses all the space to show as many different areas of illustration that makes up me as an illustrator. The mask is highly expressive with a lot to show towards the audience.

B. Where i use less illustrations in my design to create an element of mystery, not giving too much away, but there is clear evidence of illustration in the design.

C. Where i almost completeely strip down the illustrations to give emphasis on the sculpture, this is due to the fact that without the illustrations as visual aid suggesting that the sculptures is a lion, it allows the audience to think about what the sculpture is utilising minimal illustrations with just the sculpture to use as guidence.

Please leave your answer in the comments section, this question to you will really help me in this decision in which mask will be used as part of my final packaging design.

Thank you for your feedback.

Monday 28 January 2013

Mock Up Of Final 'Lion Head' Packaging Design For My Self-Promotional Porject

As you can see, I have started to develop a 3D sculpture is a mock design of my final design. Here you can see how I have referenced my previous 'Head Sculpture' research by generating a 3D 'Lion Head' outcome, utilising and enhancing my folding/ paper scupture development techniques onto a enhanced level. For refernce of associated nets related to this mock design, please look at my 'Sketchbook' where the individual nets of this mock design are presented. Now i need to scan in these nets onto my computer and use illustrator to create the digital nets that i will use to integrate my illustrations and use to create my final packaging design.

Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet: An Interest That Combines Illustration With Digital Design

I have recently started to utilize my own 'Wacom' 'Bamboo' graphics tablet into my work and has become a recently developed skill/ interest of mine as a illustrator/ designer. I have chosen to incorporate a graphics tblet into my project as it allows me to enhance my illustration skills, due to the tablet itself being a highly effective way to combine illustration with digital design. This is a observation i have thoroughly began to enjoy and take interest in, as my skills as an illustrator can now be both digitally focused and presented (upon design software such as 'Adobe Photoshop' or 'Adobe Illustrator' etc), as well as traditionally focused on paper etc. Therefore i will produce an A3 poster in which primarily promotes my interest in the graphics tablet and this will somewhat be integrated as an interest upon my final packaging design.

Here i have designed a poster/ mood board purely using the Graphics tablet on Adobe Illustrator using the 'Pen Tool' (i.e. For the Linear lines which reflect the abstract work of Krakfox) and on Adobe Photoshop using purely the 'Brush Tool' to compliment my scanned in designs including the drawing central to the page as well as the typography inspired by the central design with my final logo design upon the bottom right hand side of the page. This poster has been generated to aesthetically portray and emphasize my ambition to 'be king of the jungle' (i.e. be successful in the illustration industry) effectively in a abstract way that references my previously researched artist Krakfox, using my illustrative interpretation of a lion that references the illustration of Luke Dixon.

Research Into Paper-Based Presentational Formats To Inform My Final Packaging Design Idea

Following my current research into designs by which I appreciate as a illustrator/ designer, I have come across a potential lead into the way by which I could present my final sculpture design. As you already know I have decided to incorporate the figure and symbol of a Lion into my project (being a symbolic metaphor which portrays the characteristics of me as a designer), and by researching such life-like human head sculptures, this has given me the idea to utilize such folding/ paper sculpture techniques to generate a 3D Lion head paper sculpture for my final design. This head will incorporate elements of my experimental research, effectively presenting my skills and interests as a designer towards my target audience of an Illustration agency (i.e. such as the Folio Illustration Agency). I feel this would be a more effective way to emphasize on the metaphoric symbol of a Lion when portraying myself as an illustrator as this will allow me to explore and develop folding and 3D techniques that will help improve my understanding of the relationship between 2D and 3D. Also, such 3D sculptures would be a aesthetically pleasing platform and format to present and display my illustration skills and interests, effectively promoting me, as a brand in a positive way. This secondarily imaged research was gathered on various blog websites such as 'www.wordpress.com' and upon specific inspirational based websites for designers such as 'www.fleshbump.com'.